Don't put off living to next week, next month, next year or next decade. The only time you’re ever living is in this moment.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Welcome to Denmark!  I woke up early this morning to hop on a train from Hamburg to Copenhagen.   The five hour train ride took me through the German countryside, onto a ferry across the Baltic Sea (yes, the train gets on a ferry) and then into Denmark.  Many of you know that I was in a sorority at Sonoma State & my "little" or "kid" as we call them, has lived in Copenhagen for just about three years now.  Unfortunately Angie is moving back to the states in a few weeks, but she took some time off work today to pick me up from the station and point me in the right direction.  Such a relief to see a familiar face as I got off the train!  I took a taxi to my apartment and everything seemed to go downhill from there.  Trying to carry my purse, backpack, two suitcases and the comforter, sheets & pillow my "kid" gave to me was a bit much.  Then of course I couldn't get the elevator at my apartment to work so I had to sit outside the elevator until someone finally came down-- there was no way I was walking up six flights of stairs.  I threw my bags down and decided to go to the grocery store but couldn't figure out how to lock my door.  After shedding a few tears, I heard someone coming out of a room nearby.  Her name is Malene & I am so thankful I met her today!  Malene taught me the trick to locking the door, showed me how to work the elevator, walked me to my mailbox, showed me the downstairs storage locker I have access to and gave me directions to every store I could ever need!  I'm definitely feeling so much better about being in Copenhagen after meeting Malene.  Made a quick trip to the grocery store with a Danish--English translation sheet my "kid" created for me and have spent the rest of the evening trying to get organized.  Oh, and my residence permit was just emailed to me.  I was approved.  Officially a Danish resident for the next six months!

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